Life is hard, we adapt.

In the third part of Tony’s interview with CanvasRebel, he talks about big lessons learned in small business.


Learning and unlearning are both critical parts of growth – can you share a story of a time when you had to unlearn a lesson?

In 7th grade Mr Gust gave me a nickname, “Chuckles.” I was shy, like REAL shy. Instead of speaking he said he only ever heard me chuckle. Maybe I never felt my voice was valid? Maybe as a middle child I truly internalized my invisibility. I liked that name, it was an easy way to get some attention without being in the front or having to be seen. I was terrified to be the center of attention. I didn’t (and still don’t) even like opening birthday presents in front of people.

Photo Credit: Jonathan Cooper

Reflecting on the last 11 years… oh my this business has made me grow. Through ups & downs, I (Chuckles) have had to be very uncomfortable. Managing people is hard. Selling a product is hard. Putting my face on Instagram is hard. “Chuckles” would have never scripted these things, but I am so glad that I did. I had to unlearn those feelings about myself, I still am a work in progress. I would not say I am confident, but I trust myself more. I would not say I like to be the center of attention still, but I LOVE getting to talk with other people about entrepreneurship and share any nuggets that I believe may be helpful.

It’s important that we grow. As a parent of four kids, this is a constant theme I hope they absorb (and also not taking ourselves too seriously). Life is hard, we adapt.