They Made an Urban Promise... You Should, too.

If a high school student told you he left gang life behind because of the influence of an elementary school girl, would you believe him?

That’s Ethan and Jennifer’s story… and a version of MANY of the stories about the bonds that are forged between older and younger students at UrbanPromise Charlotte! The mission of UrbanPromise is to provide Charlotte's children and youth with the spiritual, academic, and social development necessary to become Christian leaders determined to restore their communities. The organization employs 85 high schoolers (who they call StreetLeaders) to serve as mentors, counselors, teachers, and leaders for the 250 younger students in their out-of-school-time and summer programs taking place in three of Charlotte’s most vulnerable neighborhoods. 


At UrbanPromise Charlotte, StreetLeaders are the true heroes of the organization! 
UrbanPromise provides StreetLeaders with extensive job training, tutoring, college preparation, and access to counseling and mentoring to help them succeed in and outside of the program. Over the last 4 years, 100% of StreetLeaders have graduated high school on-time and received college acceptance! Most are the first in their families to continue their education. 
It’s hard to quantify the impact StreetLeaders can make in the lives of the children they serve.... and it's hard to quantify how much the StreetLeader experience transforms the teenagers themselves! We’ll let Ethan and Jennifer tell more of their transformative story themselves:

As a reminder, we have the custom Urban Promise Blend available for you in our shop and online. We are donating 100% of the proceeds of each bag back to Urban Promise, so it is a true win-win.

Thanks for helping UP look towards the next five years, and beyond! To learn more about the unique model of UrbanPromise and our vision for restoration in Charlotte, visit our website:

December - Celebrating the QC Family Tree

Written by: Holly Blackman

Just recently I listened to the QC Family Tree’s podcast where community leader, Helms Jarrell, states that “in modernity, mobility trumps roots” - we move more than put down roots, but not the QC Family Tree. They are planted in West Charlotte - loving and growing together in West Charlotte for the past 10 + years as a neighborhood-based community development and discipleship group. They are partners and friends with Tony & Becky, and of course, Enderly fans, as we’ve been a part of their family and them our’s.

Helms also states “that placelessness is the primary source of alienation.” Enter Enderly - it’s your place - we’re rooted in West Charlotte and we’re your “Perks”. Come by and support QC Family Tree when purchasing a QC Family Tree blend this month or ask us about how to volunteer or support QC Family Tree’s community-building work year-round.


QC Family Tree works to embody an alternative, a way of life that is centered, whole, and founded on love.  We who call ourselves QC Family Tree seek to be kinfolk rooted in discipleship in West Charlotte.

All the Right Moves...

In all the right places! It’s Ryan Grammatico’s and James Jones’ lives - hence their roles here at Enderly as Head Roaster and Store Manager/aka Head Barista. Ryan met James when James was in high school through Right Moves for Youth, nearly 6 years later they are still side by side. It is fitting that Enderly is highlighting RMFY as their October Nonprofit of the Month. We have created a custom blend that is branded with this Nonprofit, that can be bought in our shop (2620 Tuckaseegee Rd). 100% of the proceeds from the sale of these bags goes back directly to their organization. It is a win for you, a win for them!

Enderly Coffee is proud to highlight Right Moves for Youth this October because this organization is also about relationship-building, helping youth to find solid footing on productive life paths - one choice after another, leading young adults to graduate and have a plan to make the next right moves. We all know how hard any right move is to make as a teenager and Right Moves for Youth mentors do too; therefore, they help assist teacher-selected students who may need guidance and a bit of nudging to make the next move! Ryan’s role is to lead and mentor leaders within Right Moves for Youth who are pouring into young people’s lives, filling their cups with study skills, connections, good counsel, what have you. James (a former RMFY student) now fills up each of our customers’ cups with a bit of joy and has also spent hundreds of hours pouring into elementary school boys’ lives, helping them with emotional intelligence, how to understand themselves in order to make the next right move.

We hope you’ll join Enderly this October as we help support the work Ryan and James along with other leaders in many high schools are doing through Right Moves for Youth.

Check out our Right Moves for Youth blend in our shop or find out ways you can help support them. Thank you for choosing Enderly and helping us as we fill up cups and lives.

Direct Trade - A Better Deal for Farmers

The Farm to Cup Quest for a Better Bean

Written By: John Hamrick

Photo courtesy of:

Photo courtesy of:


Geovanni Leiva wiped the sweat from his brow as he loaded the last bags of coffee beans on their way from his Guatemalan farm to the U.S. market. It had taken three years for this crop to reach maturity and his hopes for a better life were tied to the price he would receive for this commodity that is susceptible to notoriously wild market swings.

In years past, he could only hope for a good price from his local buyer since he would only see a fraction of the total profit his labor-intensive crop would bring in the export market. Now his worries have eased because of his relationship with roasters like Enderly Coffee Company who seek to ethically source beans, some directly from growers, ensuring a fair-market price, and more of the profits that previously went to exporters staying with the farmers. Premiums are also paid for gourmet beans that meet exacting standards for quality, providing additional incentives to continually improve their growing techniques, and strive for the highest quality harvests possible.

As Geovanni describes it, "Leiva's mission is to break cycles of poverty and give hope where there has never been before. We do it by locking arms with coffee lovers and like-minded people. Tony Santoro, founder of Enderly Coffee, was one of the very first people that said yes to our call to join our Familia back n 2013. Through our partnership, we have been able to provide clean water, fund a school and build homes for single moms. Our future depends on more partnerships like this. Thank you Enderly Coffee for choosing Leiva's!"




Fair Trade 2.0

There’s a confusing array of certifications aimed at everything from helping farmers to saving the environment. In a recent article by Creative Loafing, Counter Culture Coffee’s Meredith Taylor said, "No one certification covers everything. For example, organic is great if you're concerned about environmental sustainability. It's the same with the Rainforest Alliance. However, neither of those certifications addresses the social conditions or the economic sustainability of growing and selling coffee. Fair trade came in and filled that gap on the social side of things."

With all of these variables in the coffee market, Tony Santoro is mindful of the confusion all of these labels can cause. “My goal is to nudge people away from the be-all end-all mindset of 'what certification label does my coffee have?', but instead on how is your coffee sourced? There is no right answer because people's priorities are all different. As we strive to source more coffee ethically from growers, it’s about enlightenment and broadening our globally-social lens as we seek to do right by our farmers and partners.”

We were asked recently by a prospective customer if Enderly Coffee is Fair Trade certified and Tony responds, "We value Fair Trade, but look more at Direct Trade because it is about relationships, buying from a farmer year to year helping them to be more sustainable, while paying them in a way that allows them to keep more of their margin." Farmers have historically been paid very little for the labor-intensive process of growing coffee, especially since it can take up to four years for a coffee plant to produce cherries and most farmers make less than $2,000 per year. Fair Trade seeks to correct this imbalance, but it’s not without its drawbacks. Direct Trade aims to improve on this noble cause by establishing personal relationships between farmers and retailers, eliminating the co-op layer that adds overhead and tends to diminish the feedback loop that contributes to quality improvements and incentives for producing premium beans.

Direct Trade has been adopted by notable roasters including our neighbors Counter Culture in Durham, NC, and Union all the way across the pond in the UK. To see why this model is catching on, the following infographic helps illustrate the differences.

Fair Trade vs. Direct Trade

Infographic courtesy of: Bird Rock Coffee Roasters

Infographic courtesy of: Bird Rock Coffee Roasters

With certifications that seek to protect the environment, animals, and farmers, including fair trade, direct trade, organic, rainforest alliance, and bird friendly, it’s no wonder we’re perplexed when we’re just trying to find a good cup of coffee to start the day. But if the result of all of this is better coffee while helping a grower provide clean water, fund a school, and build homes for single moms, then we’re all-in on this direct trade journey.

Meet James Jones III

Enderly Coffee Lover, Meet James. James, Meet Enderly Coffee Lover. And so, the relationship begins...

James Jones is the third. He’s preceded by his father and grandfather. He’s also our new Hospitality Facilitator at Enderly, what we hope to be a third place to gather - not your home or mine, not your place of employment,  but a home-away-from-home, everybody-knows-your-name place for QC neighbors to meet for a cup of responsibly grown, people-centric coffee. That is James too = people focused, responsibly grown and mentored by Ryan Grammatico through Right Moves for Youth; Ryan is the man behind our coffee roaster, much of the time. Both Ryan and James are openly candid, refreshingly professional and youthful. Solid and winsome!

James previously worked with the nonprofit, Wings for Kids, teaching 4th grade boys social and emotional skills. There’s no taller task that requires more patience than to teach a 4th grade boy how to talk about his emotions. And on past Mondays, James steps away from his teaching role and puts on his student hat, learning from Tony - visiting coffee shops around CLT, helping with packaging, building coffee knowledge - cupping, pinpointing flavors, roasting, perfecting the espresso as of late. He told me he feels like he’s getting a good mix of everything he’s going to need.

Photo cred: @amye_roberts on IG

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Come on in -

And introduce yourself to James. Let him know your order, your quirky cinnamon request, or what not, and let him and Enderly WOW you with our new home. Doors open at 7 am! Photo courtesy of @ellimcguire



As our shop was built up one beam at a time, we’re happy to have James to help with creating the community focus for our shop’s grand opening, (*insert drum roll here)......which is SOON!

We are currently in our "Soft Opening" from Tuesday to Saturday, 7am - 2pm.  This Soft Opening will allow us to refine our practice and procedures and finalize menu design.  Please stop by any help us "practice". 

Part of the Enderly goal is to make sure whomever comes into the shop is as pleased as possible and has a great experience - James is our coffee barista making that happen!

James describes himself as someone who “brings energy - that’s been my whole life, high energy, positivity, great smile….It’s already been a great experience working with Enderly...see the process of the shop open….growth...move forward...I want to open up my own business one day, so my goal is to learn the ins and outs, building those relationships. If I can leave, feeling like I've done something, than I've done something right."

Like James said, our hope is you’ll visit Enderly Coffee Co. leaving feeling like you’ve done something. Yes, you have a cup of coffee in your hand, but you've been greeted by name with your order already on your barista's mind, you've waved at regulars and all supporting Enderly, a company who is all about people - our shop, a connecting point in CLT, and be assured that James will do his darndest to know your order - consider it your place. Welcome home!

 2620 Tuckaseegee Rd. | Charlotte, NC 28208

 2620 Tuckaseegee Rd. | Charlotte, NC 28208

Come Get CREATIVE WITH US And Matt Olin at Creative Mornings - Learn How to Snag Your Ticket!

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Written By: Holly Blackman

2018 is the year of creating for us at Enderly - We've created new blends that NoDa Brewing incorporated into their 'NoDable' brew,  created new partnerships and job opportunities for baristas, created conversations - meaningful ones around what focusing on people looks like in Enderly Coffee's day-to-day at the new place we're to call home, and creating the shop to feel like home. We love creativity and are inspired at Creative Mornings hosted by this guy - Matt Olin, the masterful muse of Charlotte's Creatives, hosts Creative Mornings monthly - provoking thought and gathering the seekers and finders to share what they're learning. Speaking of learning, here's what we learned from him: 

1. Where did the idea for Creative Mornings originate?

CreativeMornings was launched in 2008 in Brooklyn by my friend, Tina Roth Eisenberg. My team and I have to honor of running the Charlotte Chapter (Chapter #123!) since we launched in 2015.

2. From where do you draw your "surge of inspiration" that you're sharing with other Creatives in here in CLT?

I'm inspired by my fellow creative Charlotteans. #alldaylong

3. Genetically-Predisposed Copywriter, huh? Tell me about it - did you love words more than your twin, even in the womb?! :)

Haha. A refer to myself as a "Genetically-Predisposed Copywriter" because I’ve been practicing the art of differentiation since the womb. I don’t like being confused with others -- and as it turns out, neither do my clients!

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4. Perfect breakfast?

Coffee + Contemplation

5.  How can local entrepreneurs help foster and support creatives in CLT? This could be an exhaustive list, but one way is for more of our brick-and-mortar entrepreneurs to commission murals on their buildings. All over Charlotte. Not only does this support locals artists, but it also changes the visual landscape of our city in a gorgeous ways.

6. How long have you been in CLT? 

On-and-off since the mid-1980s  :-O

7. If you had to tweet to promote one thing about CLT, what would it be?

Charlotte's creative energy is surging, and it's the best time ever to be a creative thinker, maker and/or doer here.

8. Favorite treat - sweet or salty and from where?

Ice cream. Two Scoops is delicious.

9. How do you know Tony? What was your first impression of him - be honest! He can take it ;)

I think I first met Tony at a Hygge meetup, and got to know him better as he became one of out beloved coffee partners at CM/CLT. My first impression? Totally sincere and passionate dude.

10. What advice would you give to a newbie to the creative scene in CLT?

Carve out the first Friday morning of your month and start attending CreativeMornings/Charlotte ASAP! 

Here's How:

  1. Visit Creative Mornings Website and sign up for the newsletter (Tickets are VERY limited and go VERY fast, so getting the email reminder will be your best bet).  Unfortunately this month is all sold out, but sign up to be the first to know about next month's event.  Get on the waitlist atleast for this month's event.
  2. Sit by your email box at 8:29 AM on the Monday  that tickets will be released so you can snag your free ticket at 8:30 AM when the email hits your mailbox!
  3. Attend the event May 4 from 8:30am - 10:00am hosted at Resident Culture Brewing Company or an upcoming event.  




2017 Review... Forward From Here!

I took $100 and bought a camping stove, a couple of Whirley Pops, and some raw, green coffee from a local coffee shop.  It was 2012 and I was dabbling in an interest I had, something outside of my teaching career and outside of my social life.  Something that allowed me to use my creativity and stretch my abilities.  It was fun to share my new home hobby with my friends and family. 

January of 2014 my second child was born.  My wife kindly informed me that our 3rd bedroom was better off as a nursery than a coffee roasting storage room.  I was "forced" out of my house, which was the best thing that could have happened.  Little did I know that those pounds of coffee I was roasting would be a catalyst to life change.  Life change for me, for my family/friends, for some neighbors, for our community, and hopefully for Enderly Park. 

As we move into 2018 I am seeing our dream come into fruition.  Our dream of using our company to create job opportunity, along with mentorship, for neighbors.  Our dream of having people all around our city enjoy our coffee and being able to directly impact lives and our quiet neighborhood of Enderly Park.  Our dream of creating a PLACE in Enderly Park FOR the community, with our coffee shop opening right on Tuckaseegee Rd.   

2017 has been an emotional New Year.  2018 will be even better.

Coming soon to 2018

Coming soon to 2018

1) Achievements For Our Neighbors - Our "WHY".  We are committed to our mission statement, "We exist to provide opportunity through relationships in order to add value to Enderly Park and Charlotte. We seek to encourage and inspire others to live for others.  It is the best way to live.  We promise."

  • Over 1000 hrs of Employment Hours provided
  • 12 College Courses Successfully Completed
  • First Car purchased
  • Continuing to develop life skills through mentorship
  • Continue to Support Project 658 Feeding Project's Effort
  • Assisted various organizations (PTA, boy scouts, orchestras, etc.) fundraise and earn the money needed to operate.
  • Weekly donations for Harvest Center breakfasts

2) Achievements As a Company in 2017

  • 25,000 lbs of coffee roasted and distributed
  • Developed our Espresso Program, servicing, supporting, and training clients around town
  • Developed our Equipment Support Program, servicing and supporting clients around town
  • Grew from 3 Employees to 6 Employees

3) Personal Achievements - The Specialty Coffee Industry has a community and education platform, called the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association).  Tony has spent countless hours in classes and studying to earn the following certifications.

  • SCA Certified Roaster
  • SCA Certified Barista

    Shoutouts - We could not do this alone, so we wanted to shout out to the supportive nature of many in our amazing industry.  There are many more, but here are a few individuals who have had an impact on our company in 2017.

    • Todd Arnette - Williamsburg Coffee & Academy of Excellence - Todd was our instructor for the SCA Roaster courses at his campus in Williamsburg, VA.  He has always made himself available for question/answers and support.
    • Rachel Garret - Irving Farm Coffee Roasters - Rachel was our instructor at Irving Farm Coffee's SCA training campus in New York.  Super helpful and productive learning experience.
    • Dillon WIlliams -  Homecoming Coffee Tour & Queen City Grounds - For years, Dillon has always been a brain and palate when we are looking for feedback.  His passion is exuberant and he has been helpful in so many ways to our team.
    • Diana Mnatsakanyan-Sapp -  Dianamakescoffee & Undercurrent Coffee - Diana has helped to form and organize the Charlotte Coffee Collective.  Indirectly this collective and its events have been amazingly helpful for our team.  We look forward to getting more involved in the future.  Directly, Diana has also always been willing to spend time over coffee or at my shop, dreaming with us and challenging us.
    • Ian Kolb - Cuplux Coffee Drive-Thru - Ian has the true community heart, also helping manage the Charlotte Coffee Collective, and has been a bouncing board for ideas and new coffees.  His honest and supportive demeanor has contributed to our success these past few years.  He also passionately helps our city to be a more beautiful place through Trees Charlotte
    • Matt Yarmy - Pure Intentions Coffee - Roasting in the same city could be purely competitive, but Matt has always been willing to jump on the phone to chat/suggest/encourage. Matt has contributed so much to Charlotte's Coffee Community, also helping with the Charlotte Coffee Collective.  
    • James Yoder - Not Just Coffee - Apart from the deliciousness that Not Just Coffee provides for our city, James has made himself available countless times over the past year as we venture into opening our own coffee shop.  Thank you!

    We're Easy - Let Us Help You Shorten Your Holiday To-Do List - Period.

    Customized Holiday Coffee Bags

    Written By Holly Blackman

    Someone posted there are 9 more Fridays before Christmas, and I can't get myself to count them to see if it's true! Now that Halloween is behind us, let the Christmas carols begin, ehhh, I guess?

    Checking off list.jpg

    If you have holiday hosting ahead or want custom-made coffee bags for your clients, staff, teachers or neighbors, click the link below for a quick quote.

    CUSTOMIZE YOUR GIFT: You can even customize the bag for you, your brand, your company, etc.  

    Consider this our toy catalog, but unlike the emails and magazines inundating you with options, we're easy. We'll be happy to have your bags ready and even deliver if you're in the Charlotte area! Check this one off your list.



    • Personalized Gift Giving
    • Locally Crafted Product
    • Everyone Likes Coffee
    • $8-$10 per bag
    • Free Delivery in CLT
    • Quick Turnaround

    Rhino Market's New Location is a Hop, Skip and Jump from Romare Bearden - Get There!

    Written By Holly Blackman

    We love Rob - he's Detroit, he's a dad, he's an entrepreneur living the dream - he's the man behind Rhino Market. 

    Enderly is humbled to be a top-selling coffee at Rhino Market. We value our relationship with Rhino and Rob. And as Rob told me, the feeling's mutual.

    "I think having a relationship with a purveyor (Enderly) on the Westside was most intriguing. What a great synergy... we sell a lot of coffee and having a roaster in our "backyard" was awesome," Rob said.

    Unofficial Eclipse Viewing Party: Why not grab a bite, beer, beverage and head to Romare Bearden’s fountains and catch the eclipse with fabulous local fare and folks?

    Rhino and Enderly share the same people, almost the same neighborhood, and Tony was the first coffee roaster to approach Rob about doing business there. Plus, Tony and Rob are both from Detroit, where Rob told me there were NOT Rhino Market-esque places. Instead, they both grew up with "party stores" - a place to get pop (Faygo, Vernors), beer, chips (Better Made), wine, snacks, newspapers and even a good submarine sandwich.  For Tony it was the In-n-Out Party Store in Rochester Hills.

    Rhino, on the other hand, carries local, fabulous fare - the best coffee, Chicken Tortas (If you haven't tried them yet, you must!), breakfast burritos, goodies and treats in all shapes and sizes and craft beers. Plus, every time I pop in - local lyrics and crowd favorites are being strummed by brave, good people for a mix of commercial real estate folk, graphic designers, start up types, young professionals, tradesmen, shop owners, small biz owners, you name them, they're there. 

    Rhino's new location is opening TODAY (August 21st), eclipse day. Why not grab a bite, beer, beverage and head to Romare Bearden's fountains and catch the eclipse with fabulous local fare and folks, the best kind of folks. Rhino's new hot spot will be popping, so good luck finding a seat. Our beans'll be available to pick up on your way in or out of the office - Westside or Uptown at Rhino. Congrats to Rob and long live the Rhino! 

    Behind the Beans - Meet Ryan (ROASTER & SOLO HIP-HOP DANCER, World changer)

    Lots of hands touch the coffee beans from farm to your cup.  One often overlooked position is the Coffee Roaster, who takes the green coffee and turns it brown for you (to keep it simple).  So who is the guy behind the Red Roaster at Enderly?  I spoke with Ryan to find out...

    1. What do you love about Enderly Coffee, the product? Favorite? Food pairing?

    My favorite product from Enderly changes on a weekly basis. As the production roaster, I have the responsibility to dial in the roasts and impact with how things turn out; I really love how taking the beans to new temperatures and times creates various unique flavors, these beans are so complex, yet simple. My job is to keep the beans consistent in production.  But if I had to pick one bean, I would say that our Brazil is my favorite. And the Snickerdoodle that we make for Rhino Market & Deli is amazing and tastes so good with their breakfast burrito.

    2. How'd you meet Tony & Becky?

    I first met Tony and Becky at a gathering of about 10 friends at Dean and Deluca in South Park nearly 10 years ago.

    3. What's your story? Who are you (that'll keep ya thinking, right?!)

    I grew up in Michigan, like Tony and Becky, so that root is a bond that will never be broken between us.

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    My Clark Kent type day job is that I am the Program Manager for an organization here in Charlotte called Right Moves for Youth. So, I spend the days leading a team that assists middle and high school students with social and emotional support while helping them graduate high school with a plan for their future success, and I am the “Roast Master General” for Enderly in the evenings. But if I had to give one title that I am most proud of about who I am, my mind starts with being a dad. My daughters, Addison and Bailey are the apples of my eye. I take such pride in raising them to be compassionate, loving, and aware young ladies. And they love a good trip to the shop to see dad roast this amazing coffee.


    4. What do you love about Enderly, the company?

    This question is easy….the mission. I have always been drawn to businesses that invest in their communities, but Enderly doesn’t just give back to the community…it IS the community. It’s not about just throwing money at problems, it’s about cultivating relationships, over a great cup of coffee, and seeing transformation. That’s community.


    5. Why should others love Enderly - what makes it different?

    I love the coffee community in Charlotte. There are a lot of great people and coffees. From coffee roasters to coffee shops, the growing Charlotte Coffee Collective in Charlotte is truly incredible.

    But Enderly is something different.

    It is all about authentically loving this city and neighbors through a bag of beans. Every decision that is made is about cultivating strong relationships that will help to sustain positive impact on the Enderly Park neighborhood.


    6. How'd you get into roasting? Give us the ins and outs - what you love and what's not so fun about roasting!

    As a person who didn’t really get into the intricacies  of coffee until a few years ago, I was always drawn to sitting down and having a great conversation across a table and the vehicle is typically a cup of coffee. Tony, our friend Jonathan, and I used to meet up at local coffee shops and we would sit down and they would have me taste different coffees and we would experience taste profiles and the uniqueness of different beans. Coffee tastings and an intro to roasting led to science lessons about temperatures, time frames, and pyrolytic reactions (nerd speak), and I was hooked. When Tony brought me into the shop one night and let me change raw green coffee beans into delicious smelling and tasting brown coffee beans, that was cool, and again, transformation was happening. See a theme? ;)

    Roasting in itself is a sanctuary for me. I use that alone time in the shop to develop a great product but it also allows some much needed alone time to process my life. I can listen to podcasts, the music I love, as well as sometimes have an impromptu solo dance party ☺


    7. What do you most look forward to - this can be personally or professionally?

    I am really excited about the growth that we are experiencing in Charlotte. It seems like every day a new contract is signed with another business here in the city that will serve our coffee. But I am really looking forward to the opening of our own coffee shop this year. Being able to serve our coffee to people and letting them experience first hand the Enderly story has me really pumped up.


    8. When you were 5, what did you want to be when you grew up?

    When I was 5, I wanted to be an astronaut. I remember that our elementary school would all go into the gym and watch the space shuttle launches on television. Such a great memory.


    9.. What's something not many people know about Tony/Enderly/Becky (you choose)?

    Tony and Becky are two of the best parents that I know. They have so much creativity and passion for raising their daughters to be good citizens. It really is inspiring. In fact, if you walk into our shop, you will see small notes from their daughters posted up that remind you of how much they are loved and how much they love others.


    10. What's something not many people know about you?

    I am a huge fan of hip hop. Not that mumble rap garbage the kids listen to today (insert my grandpa’s voice), but that good stuff. Story tellers of yesterday and today. Also, most people don’t know that I have a terrible tattoo of a basketball on my right arm. Currently working with an artist to create a cover up for it. ☺

    But on a serious note, most people don’t know that I was raised in poverty in Flint, Michigan and it was that upbringing that allowed me to develop a strong work ethic. Shout out to my Mom for leading our family through the struggle. Love you, Mom!


    Shout out to you too, Ryan! If you have a question about roasting or want to applaud one of the current roasts, reach out to Ryan at -

    Behind the Beans - Meet Marquell

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    Behind the scenes at Enderly Coffee is big, burlap sacks of beans, cups left over from cupping, a giant red roaster - bags and bags and bags and bags of beans. And most importantly, the people whom we love. He's most likely had his hands on your bag o' beans - meet Marquell Pettiford. He has had his hands in Enderly Coffee long enough he has earned the title "Packaging Aficionado" on his business card.

    I met Marquell when first visiting the Enderly warehouse. We immediately had a connection because I taught at Harding University High School where he attended for awhile. We reminisced to see if we remembered similar people, and as an English teacher I dug a bit deeper to get him talking about his love for writing lyrics.

    I asked him a few other questions too:

    What are your life goals?
    1. Finish my computer engineering degree
    2. Get a good paying job
    3. Play college football, so I can learn more because eventually, I want to coach football
    4. Get married and have a bunch of kids, so they won't be lonely. Eventually, buy a house, start a business. Whatever God calls me to do.

    Where are you in school right now for computer engineering?
    I'm currently enrolled at CPCC for my Associates Degree. Then, I will transfer over to a four year college, preferrably whomever I can play football for and is in state. 

    What kind of father do you want to be? Explain and describe.
    I want to be an active father. Active as in attending school events helping with school work. Helping coach my child (son) hopefully, in sports or with girls. Spend a lot of time outside in the world; just to talk and understand the world, so my child can grow to be an educated black man like myself.

    What has God called you to do right now?
    I feel like God has called me to teach the people I'm closest to. Teach whatever I can, because God is teaching me so many different things and I can use this to bless others. I often find myself in places I never thought I would be (like working in the coffee industry), and I figured it's because I can use what I'm learning to teach the people I'm closest to. 

    Tell me about your writing/music...songs, inspiration, what you're doing with it. When you started? 
    I just want to send a positive message to our youth through my music. Show them that there is  more to the world than what social media and the radio say. I want to stress the fact that being real with yourself can help you be real with others. I want to connect with the people on a personal level (Can you tell why Marquell is an asset at Enderly? He's about people too!). A lot of times we find ourselves portraying something that we're not or can't have, and the world makes us feel like we're lame or this and that if we don't be what they want us to be, and our younger kids are vulnerable to this. I want to show them that anyone can make it, never limit yourself. It gets deeper than just making music for me. I feel like I can impact people's lives, and people would be able to relate to me and to how I feel in my music. 

    Please add anything else you'd like to add:
    My circumstances now, being around so many lost young people is really my motivation. I want to be able to say that I overcame adversity; when the world was made to be against me, I beat the system. Knowing that so many people counted me out, even when I was at my lowest point I still stayed positive. My family pushed me hard to stay focused because it's so easy to lose everything I worked for.


    How did you first get connected with Enderly?
    I met Tony through a non-profit called QC Family Tree.  I have been connected with the Family Tree for about 8-9 years helping with the community and mission trips. They are in Enderly Park.  I met Tony at a coffee event I was working with The Family Tree and soon worked with Tony at a farmers market. We met and talked about how I can do my job to the best of my ability, at first. Over time we built a personal relationship which has spilled over into a mentorship. He teaches me how to make business decisions and manage my money.  

    Marquell is an asset to Enderly. He's our people and so are you. Thanks for supporting us. Buy a bag of beans here. 

    Cyimbili = Change

    Written By Holly Blackman

    There’s a reason our Cyimbili Coffee is often sold out. It’s bold, smooth, balanced dark roast is our most popular bean to date, for many it is a must-have daily staple. We are thankful because this bag of coffee is the result of ALARM's attempt to rejuvenate the Cyimbili farm on the shores of Lake Kivu in Western Rwanda, to bring hope again to the region.

    These hills were once the most prominent coffee production plantations. In 1994, the Rwandan Genocide destroyed the plantation, and ALARM, a ministry in this region, is focusing their efforts on not just rebuilding, but toward teaching and assisting people to help themselves. They use the SEES model to measure the Spiritual, Economic, Environmental and Social impact for the community development project.

    Here’s their impact in a nutshell:

    Employment (Economic)

    The Cyimbili plantation provides jobs for the entire community in the surrounding areas.  Cyimbili has 39,370+ trees planted, which have produced coffee beans for the 2017 harvest.  To care for these trees, it takes 170 full-time workers.   During harvest time, it requires an additional 150 temporary workers.  The plantation pays their workers twice the amount other coffee plantations pay their workers.  This drives up the expenses of producing the coffee, but making a profit is only one of the factors that is important in this holistic Kingdom business.

    Evangelism & Discipleship (Spiritual)

    The plantation provides a great opportunity for evangelism and discipleship for the employees, suppliers, and visitors that visit the plantation.  Not all employees are believers; but most are, but that is not a requirement to be an employee. The employees start their day at 6:30 a.m. with a chapel where there is worship, prayer and a devotional.  

    Education (Social)

    There is a school on the plantation for grades 1 through 12.  These classes are provided at a very nominal cost, and there are scholarships available to help the students with financial needs.

    Health (Social)

    There is a medical clinic on the plantation that is staffed by the Rwandan Government Health Care Works.  The plantation provides the employees with health insurance, and the clinic provides health care services to the employees and other residents in the community.

    Wastewater Treatment (Environmental)

    Cyimbili creates wastewater in the process of producing green coffee beans.  They are beginning a project to correct this problem and put a process in place that will keep this water from reaching Lake Kivu.  They are in the process of raising funds for the construction of this system.

    Guest House (Economic/Social)

    Cyimbili plantation is on The Congo Nile Trail, which is a walking and bike trail along Lake Kivu that extends from Rubavu, continues through Rutsiro, via the Karongi, Nyamasheke districts, and ends at the Rusizi District.  There are

    227 km (141 miles) of beautiful landscapes, including rolling hills and clear water. The entire trek can be completed in a 10-day hike. However, the trip can be done in sections if travelers do not have the time to complete the entire trail. Trails give stunning views of the Lake Kivu coastline and offer adventurous travelers an exciting way to discover Rwanda.  Cyimbili has a guesthouse where guests can rent a room and meals while on the trail.  This is another source of income to move the project towards sustainability.


    The employees raise all the vegetables for feeding the guests from a large garden they maintain.  

    The goal for this project is moving towards sustainably.  Please continue to pray for Cyimbili as the employees are working hard to become sustainable.    

    Buy our coffee here and support the Cyimbili plantation.

    How is Enderly like Kia?

    Written By Holly Blackman

    Enderly is proud to partner with the Balzac Brothers who imports Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffee.

    Enderly is proud to partner with the Balzac Brothers who imports Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffee.

    We're not like Melissa McCarthy in Kia's Super Bowl spot, running after every environmental cause, animal rights opportunity, but at Enderly, we do keep the environment in-mind because sustainability is key for the farmers' families' livelihood; we are proud to work with a company who is still committed to preserving the rainforest, the land, for the small farmers around the world and in the Tarrazu region's co-op in Costa Rica.

    Our partner, the Balzac Brothers Company, are the first importers to import a full container of the Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffee. I first chocked this up to an environmental sales pitch, but once I started digging, I gained an entirely new respect for the coffee they sell.

    What are Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffees? Coffee with this certification means a third party audits the farmer annually, "using a rigorous standard with detailed environmental, social and economic criteria. These criteria are designed to protect biodiversity, deliver financial benefits to farmers, and foster a culture of respect for workers and local communities." (*Rainforest Alliance).

    The Tarrazu region sustainable growing area in Costa Rica. Our medium-bodied, citrus noted coffee, La Pastora, hails from this region.

    The Tarrazu region sustainable growing area in Costa Rica. Our medium-bodied, citrus noted coffee, La Pastora, hails from this region.

    "Decades ago, coffee farms were virtually indistinguishable from the surrounding forest. However, in the 1970s the introduction of a new hybrid coffee plant requiring agrochemicals and full-sun exposure led many farmers to cut down their forests and abandon their traditional ways. This high-tech approach to farming has devastated lands throughout the tropics."

    "On Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms, coffee grows in harmony with nature: soils are healthy, waterways are protected, trash is reduced or recycled, wildlife thrives and migratory bird habitat flourishes. In addition, hundreds of farms we work with have adopted climate-smart techniques that sequester carbon. Most importantly, farm communities learn the importance of protecting their natural resources, and they acquire the tools and resources to do so."

    The Tarrazu region sustainable growing area in Costa Rica. Our medium-bodied citrus blend, La Pastora, hails from this region.

    "Since 1995, the Rainforest Alliance has strengthened the position of coffee farmers by training them in methods that boost yields and safeguard the health of the land for future generations. All of this is part of [their] global strategy to ensure the long-term well-being of farm communities, as well as the forests and wildlife on which we all depend" (*Rainforest Alliance).
    Rainforest Alliance certification also promotes decent living and working conditions for workers, gender equity and access to education for children in farm communities, hence the school at the co-op in Tarrazu.

    We applaud the Balzac Brothers for pioneering the importation of Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffee (and on their centennial anniversary!). We are proud to bring their beans hailing from the co-op in the Tarrazu region to your cup, knowing each small farmer is paid fairly, given access to education and sustainably growing our prized beans - La Pastora. We're not jumping on environmental cause trains like Melissa because at Enderly we know who we are - we value relationships and that includes our relationship with the environment and suppliers who do the same.


    What fills your cup?

    Written By Holly Blackman

    Reflections are sometimes painful, sometimes raw unearthed desires are dug up, left exposed. As Tony and Becky said goodbye to their dying neighbor in the early days of this year, they were forced to reflect on their journey - what led them to Enderly Park and what Enderly Coffee will be this year.  You can view it as philanthropic if you like. Knowing Becky and Tony, their story goes far deeper than reflecting on their prized coffee beans. Down deep it is about relationships.

    circa 2007 as new grads from MSU

    circa 2007 as new grads from MSU

    Enderly is about people. 
    People are all that matter.

    It's not happenstance Tony and Becky are here in Charlotte, but it sure wasn't in their original plan. They left Michigan State University proudly wearing rose-colored glasses, education degrees under their arms like blueprints for teaching in Detroit's Brightmoor Neighborhood at City Mission Academy.

    Brightmoor neighborhood was purchased by investors in the 1960s, has been run down and abandoned, and is now full of  homes sitting vacant. empty. broken. A place awaiting new beginnings and creativity, but Charlotte Mecklenburg School System was recruiting hard, also awaiting creativity, and Tony and Becky believed they could benefit from building their experience before helping to build community in Detroit. 

    Thus (and thankfully), they found their place in Charlotte - Becky settled into a 3rd grade teacher position and Tony into a 5th grade teacher role, both spending most of their career in East Charlotte. However, they nestled across town into Enderly Park, building a nest for their kids who would come later, but also for 'their kids' - the next door neighbor who Becky and Tony tutored and the kids who would come over to climb trees or play football in the street.  It was not uncommon for Becky to look out to door for Tony in the evening to find him under the street lights building relationships with the men in the surrounding houses or chatting on the neighbors porch, carrying a laundry basket full of laundry needing to be dried.  People are what matter.  

    Their new abode was complete with a front yard for games, a porch swing, and an open door for tutoring. During all of this Tony and Becky remembered their roots - coffee, what led them to each other.

    As their family grew, their roles changed and Becky began to work in the Children's Ministry at their church. Tony, after being awarded the Teacher of the Year award and reaching a point in his teaching career where he believed he could help others outside of the classroom just as much as inside the schoolhouse, his taste for coffee and love for roasting began to feel right. It even kept him up at night (roasting, of course).

    Their love for people, families, neighbors, church members - Charlotte - never wavered, yet their passion in the classroom did as they began to grow their family and they had to find balance between the near impossible job of a teacher and a young, growing family. They found themselves with hearts for others and with hands around great cups of coffee - why couldn't they venture out and combine them?

    There was no obligatory mission or agenda attached to their business. No, there was and just is love in crafting Enderly (after Enderly Park), one decision at a time.

    Photo: @unclejut

    Photo: @unclejut

    Each bean selected is researched, "interviewed" as Tony selects those where the farmer is taken care of through fair trade. The environment is carefully considered because we want our beans to give back to others, not strip the land.  But with all of the attention on beans, the real attention is on people chosen to work at Enderly (check them out here - What a crew!?) and the people who surround the Santoros.  They are all selected out of love - to invest in the community and to love those around them on their front porches, next door, their church members, Charlotte.

    You may not remember Tony and Becky, and that's okay. But know that it's not chance they are the people behind Enderly; their intentional journey has led them here.

    Enderly has and always will be about people - loving them, educating them, investing in them - that is what has always filled the Santoro's cups and always will.

    What fills your cup?